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My Senior, my son, the intern

Exciting News! My 17-Year-Old Son’s Fiber Splicing Internship Milestone!

I’m thrilled to share a special milestone in one of my son’s journeys as a Fiber Splicing Intern at Nextlink. Today, I’m proud to showcase one of his first solo splice cases for a FTTx deployment.

As a proud father, I’ve always believed in encouraging him to explore his passions. From a young age, he has shown a remarkable curiosity for technology and a meticulous eye for detail, much like me.

When he expressed an interest in pursuing fiber optics, I knew he was embarking on a path that would challenge him intellectually and offer endless opportunities for growth. With his determination and innate sense of precision, he secured an internship with the fiber team.

Throughout his internship, my son has displayed an impressive level of commitment and dedication. From the moment he started, he dove headfirst into the world of fiber splicing, absorbing knowledge, and honing his skills. He’s proven to be a quick learner, adapting to complex technical processes with ease.

Today, I am delighted to share a snapshot of his remarkable progress. The photo below captures the culmination of his hard work and showcases his very first solo case for FTTx. Witnessing him take charge, ensuring every splice is of the highest quality, fills my heart with immense pride.

With the rapid expansion of fiber optic networks and the growing demand for high-speed internet, the significance of his work cannot be overstated. By meticulously splicing fibers, my son is contributing to the seamless connectivity that powers our digital world. He understands the importance of quality and leaves no room for compromise when it comes to delivering flawless connections.

I am confident that this experience will serve as a stepping stone toward a bright and promising future for my son in the world of fiber optics. His journey is only just beginning, and I cannot wait to see where it takes him next.

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